Digital Media Production & Content Strategy Specialist.
Helping brands and creators grow in the short-form content world.
About Austin:
In 2020, I was freshly graduated from college during a pandemic.
I knew life wasn’t going to go the way I ever expected after that.
To be honest, I’m glad.
After spending years learning about the marketing world and growing a love for media work along the way, I took a leap of faith. Nothing happened overnight (you’ll figure that out in my full story.)
To make a long story short, the chances I took led me exactly to where I need to be today. Where marketing and media are beginning to merge together more than ever before.
Why Did I Make You Read All This?
Because if you haven’t started yet, I want you to do the same as me.
Follow the road less traveled and find yourself along the way.
I know it’s hard, but that’s why I made this website in the first place. I want to teach the person I once was how to get started in the crazy world of social media. How to treat yourself as a brand/creator. More importantly, how to handle your physical, mental, and financial health during the journey of the road less traveled.